HKU-CTC’s 20th Anniversary Ceremony & Gala Dinner

The University of Hong Kong Clinical Trials Centre (HKU-CTC)’s 20th Anniversary Ceremony and Gala Dinner was successfully held on 7th November, 2018. The event was the grand finale of a series of anniversary activities during 2018. Some 200 prominent officials, academia, healthcare practitioners, clinical research professionals and industrial representatives joined in reviewing HKU-CTC’s 20 years of ground-breaking journey in clinical research and gave their heartfelt greetings in Loke Yew Hall, a historic landmark of HKU.

Professor Karen Lam, Chairman of HKU-CTC, kick-started the ceremony by expressing her gratitude to all the stakeholders in clinical research during the welcoming address. The guests of honour, Professor Sophia Chan, Secretary for Food and Health of the HKSAR Government, and Professor Paul Tam, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of HKU, highlighted the importance of clinical research to healthcare and scientific advancement and congratulated HKU-CTC’s contributions to the Hong Kong society and worldwide over the past 20 years.

A highlight of the evening was the interactive and interesting panel discussion featured by five distinguished HKU clinical researchers who together reviewed the history of clinical research over the past decades and shared their insights on the future research trends and opportunities for Hong Kong. The society’s support is the key to the success of clinical research. The 3 performing groups showed their strong support to clinical research on behalf of different generations of Hong Kong people at the occasion. It was a delightful and fruitful evening.

A commemorative publication outlining HKU-CTC’s 20 years of development and achievements was also issued (available at